5 May 2023

Calibration Contract with Hong Kong Housing Authority

The Housing Authority adopts a comprehensive quality control system to deliver quality homes for the residents of the public housing developments. The Housing authority targets to provide 310,000 public housing in ten-year period from 2021/2022. To ensure that the buildings meet quality standard and fit for their purposes, the HA employs independent laboratories to sample and carry out test on materials and workmanship. These testing services are procured in form of Term Contracts for periods of 18-24 months period and is managed by the Materials Testing Management Unit (MTMU) under the Development and Construction division of Housing Department.

FT Laboratories Ltd. was awarded the Term contract for Calibration to carry out calibration works for equipment used in paints, survey, foundation, concrete, and structural testing. The scope of work includes equipment maintenance, troubleshooting and database management for HA. It is estimated that a total of 900+ units of equipment will be calibrated throughout the contract period coming from length, mass, and survey categories. The term calibration contract was awarded to FT initially in 2013 and is currently on its 5th term contract up to date.