HOKLAS (071)
FT is accredited by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) to perform specific activities in the following categories:
- Calibration Services
- Construction Materials
- Environmental Testing

HKIAS (006)
FT is accredited by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) under the Hong Kong Inspection Bodies Accreditation Scheme (HKIAS) to perform specific activities in the following categories:
- Construction Products

Accredited Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) Combined ILAC MRA Mark
FT is granted approval for using the “Accredited Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) Combined ILAC MRA Mark” by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS).
ILAC – International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation - is the international authority on laboratory and inspection body accreditation, with a membership consisting of accreditation bodies and stakeholder organisations throughout the world. HKAS is a member of ILAC and a signatory to the ILAC multilateral mutual recognition arrangement (MRA) for accreditation bodies in which participating accreditation bodies agree to promote acceptance of the equivalence of calibration, test and inspection reports produced by accredited facilities.
With the Accredited Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) Combined ILAC MRA Mark, results of FT’s HKAS accredited testing, calibration and inspection activities will be accepted in an economy where the ILAC MRA Mark is registered.

ISO 27001:2013
FT’s Information Security Management System is certified to ISO 27001:2013 for the provision of testing, inspection, calibration, geotechnical/structural monitoring and instrumentation, as well as Engineering Survey, in accordance with the latest version of Statement of Applicability (Ver 6.0).

ISO 9001:2015
FT’s Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001:2015 for the provision of testing, inspection, calibration, geotechnical/structural monitoring and instrumentation, as well as engineering survey.

ISO 14001:2015
FT’s Environmental Management System is certified to ISO 14001:2015 for the provision of testing, inspection, calibration, geotechnical/structural monitoring and instrumentation, as well as engineering survey.

ISO 45001:2018
FT’s Health and Safety Management System is certified to ISO 45001:2018 for the provision of testing, inspection, calibration, geotechnical/structural monitoring and instrumentation, as well as engineering survey.