
This Privacy Policy tells you more about the data that is processed when you visit FT Laboratories Website and about your rights. The user acknowledges having read this privacy policy.

Terms with a capital letter have the meaning given to them in the General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR).

  1. Personal Data Policy

Some of the services offered on the Website require the processing of your personal data. This privacy policy (“Policy”) applies to all data that we process.

FT Laboratories collects your personal information only to the extent necessary to fulfil a precise purpose and in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR).

This Policy is not a contract and does not create any contractual obligation.

1.1. Our commitments regarding your personal data

FT Laboratories takes privacy seriously. We are committed to guaranteeing a high level of protection for the personal data of our customers, prospects, users of our website and, more generally, of any data subject concerned by our processing operations.  We undertake to comply with the regulations applicable to all processing of personal data that we implement, in particular the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 (“Loi informatique et libertés”) as amended and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) or “GDPR”.   In particular, we are committed to the following principles:

  • Your personal data is processed lawfully, fairly and transparently (lawfulness, fairness, transparency).
  • Your personal data is collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and is not furthered processed in a manner incompatible with these purposes (purpose limitation).
  • Your personal data is collected in an adequate and relevant manner and is limited to the purposes for which it is processed (data minimisation).
  • Your personal data is accurate, kept up to date and every reasonable step is taken to ensure that inaccurate data, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed, is deleted or updated (accuracy).

1.2. Which type of personal date do we process?

This Website implements:

  • a contact form,
  • a personal profile enabling access to specific information (“private VSL Space”).

Through these forms, we may collect and process the following categories of personal data: name, surname, email address, company/university, country of residence, professional position, phone number.

When you visit our website, we may record your IP address, browser type, operating system, referring site and browsing or application usage behaviour. We also collect information through the use of cookies or other similar technologies. For more information, please read our Cookies Policy.

1.3. How do we collect your personal data?

We may collect the categories of personal data mentioned above by various channels:

  1. We collect the personal data that you provide directly to us by completing the online contact form or by creating a personal space on the Website.
  2. When you use our website, we collect information using cookies. For more information, please read our Cookies Policy.

1.4 For what purposes do we use your personal data?

The main purposes for which we use your personal data are:

  • To provide answers to your potential questions (data from the online contact form),
  • To provide you with information that meet your expectations about our products and services when you have created a personal space on the Website,
  • To perform statistical studies and improve our products and services.

Legal basis for the processing:

The legal basis is your consent, which can be withdrawn as explained in the section “how to exercise your rights?” below.

1.5. Who can access to your personal data?

The Data Controller is FT Laboratories. The data is intended to be used exclusively by our company and will only be disclosed to our services providers when strictly necessary for their work.

We may transfer or share your personal data with third parties for the following purposes: IT services, creation of communication contents or statistical studies.

If we use services providers, we require them to implement strict confidentiality and protection measures for personal data processed, in accordance with the regulations and this Policy.

1.6. How long is your data stored?

We do not keep your personal data for any longer than is necessary. The duration of storage depends on the purposes for which data are processed. These retention periods are set based on the purposes of the processing and also take into account the applicable legal provisions imposing a precise retention period for certain categories of data, any applicable limitation periods and the recommendations of the CNIL, the French data protection authority, regarding certain categories of processing.

Your data may be stored for two years maximum from the last contact and/or your last connection to the “private VSL Space” (except if you request the deletion of your data, see below).

When this period has elapsed, the data will be archived for a period not exceeding the statutory period of limitation and/or such legal obligations of conservation as may be applicable. The data will be destroyed once this period has elapsed.

1.7. Is your personal data transferred outside the European Union?

For the purposes set out in this Policy, we may transfer your personal data (surname, first name, email address, company/university, professional position, country of residence) to recipients who may be located outside the European Union.  These transfers are carried out to offer you our services or manage your access to your personal space on the Website.

If these transfers are necessary to offer you our services, we undertake to guarantee the same level of protection of your personal data, in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR, in particular by signing, on a case-by-case basis, standard contractual clauses defined by the European Commission, or any other mechanism described in the Regulation.

1.8. How is your personal data secured?

Ensuring the security and confidentiality of the personal data you share with us is our priority. We therefore implement all the appropriate technical and organisational measures – in accordance with the applicable legal provisions (in particular Article 32 of the GDPR) – with regard to the nature of the personal data that you communicate to us and the risks presented by its processing, in order to preserve its security and, in particular, to prevent any accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, intrusion or unauthorised access to this data.

We take the security of the personal data you share with us very seriously and therefore implement various organisational measures to increase the awareness and accountability of our employees. We notably implement appropriate technical measures based on the nature of the personal data you provide and the risks involved in processing it. We therefore strictly control physical and logical access to the internal servers hosting or processing your personal data. We protect our network with state of the art hardware devices (Firewall, IDS, DLP etc.) and architectures (including secure TLS 1.2 protocols) to prevent and limit the risk of cyber-malware.

However, the security and confidentiality of personal data are based on individual best practices.  We invite you not to disclose the passwords you use to access our services, including the personal space on the Website, to third parties, to systematically disconnect from your profile and your social account (particularly in the case of linked accounts) and to close your browser window at the end of your session, particularly if you access the Internet from a computer shared with other people. This will prevent other users from accessing your personal data. To avoid linked hacking, we recommend that you use different passwords for all the online services you use. We cannot be held responsible in the event of theft of your log in details on a platform that is not managed by our services.

1.9. How to exercise your rights?

Your data will be used on the basis of your consent, which you may withdraw at any moment, albeit without challenging the initial legality of using your data.

You have the right to access and rectify inaccurate data about you and, in cases provided for in the regulations, to object to the storage of certain personal data and have such data deleted, to restrict the processing of data and to request portability enabling transfer to a third party.

Find out more about your rights on the website of the French Personal Data Authority:

To exercise your rights, you can write a letter attaching proof of identity and any document that backs up your request, as appropriate:

  • to the following address:

FT Laboratories

Communication Department

1 avenue Eugène Freyssinet

78065 St Quentin-en-Yvelines


Claim to the Personal Data Authority: If, after contacting us, you consider that your rights were breached, you can submit a claim to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) following this link:

If you have any further questions about this policy or the way we process your data, please contact our data protection department at

1.10. Modifications

This version is applicable as from January 3rd 2022. We reserve the right to change this Policy from time to time. All changes are published on our website. We invite you to read it regularly.

  1. Cookies Policy

Cookies are likely to be downloaded to your device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) when you browse our website, depending on the option you selected.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files set by FT Laboratories, Bouygues Construction (or, as the case may be, third parties such as partners or advertising agencies) on all devices to track activities when you visit a website or install or use a mobile application. Cookies are placed on your device subject to your prior consent and for a specific period of time.

What are they used for?

The cookies we use have several purposes:

  • measuring audience share

Cookies measuring audience share enable us to analyse how visitors use our sites, to understand how they arrived there and to track what pages they visit.

  • social media sharing cookies

Sharing cookies are likely to be placed by social media sites, for example, when you share one of our pages on a social network.

Furthermore, some cookies are likely to be placed on your mobile device, subject to your consent and device settings.

  • Confirming identity when viewing restricted areas of the Website.

How long are cookies stored for?

Cookies are stored for a maximum of 13 months from the date they are placed on your device. On expiry, your consent will be required once again.

How do I enable or block cookies?

Your prior consent is required for cookies to be downloaded. An information banner appears when you visit our sites to notify you that by continuing to use the Website you consent to cookies being placed on your device by FT Laboratories and third parties.

You are free to stop cookies from being placed on your device at any time. However, please note that blocking cookies entirely may prevent you from fully benefitting from the features of our services. As a result, we accept no responsibility for the consequences of any malfunctions in our services arising from our inability to register or view the cookies required to operate our services and that you have blocked or deleted.

The issue and use of cookies placed by third parties (such as advertising agencies) is subject to the cookie policy of these companies.

There are various ways to disable cookies to prevent them from being sent to your device or browser:

Configuring your browser

All browsers are configured differently. Details are usually provided in your browser’s help menu. We recommend you take a look at them so that you know how to set your cookie preferences.

Some browsers also offer a “Do not track” option.

You can delete all or some of the cookies stored on your browser. Moreover, you can use the private browsing mode to prevent cookies from being downloaded.

Disabling social media sharing cookies

If you wish to change your social media sharing cookie settings, please go directly to the social media sites:

Disabling audience share measurement cookies

If you wish to change your settings for placing audience share measurement and statistics cookies, please go directly to the site of the service provider responsible for measuring audience share on our websites: Google Analytics:



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    I agree that the data I provide by filling out this form can be used by FT Laboratories:

    FT Laboratories, as a Data Controller, uses your data in compliance with applicable laws and regulations on personal data protection. You can withdraw your consent at any time : see information here. You have the right to access and rectify inaccurate data about you and, in cases provided for in the regulations, to object to the storage of certain personal data and have such data deleted, to restrict the processing of data and to request portability enabling transfer to a third party. Find out all information in our Privacy Policy.
